
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Doing arty stuff with my brother

As I previously mentioned, I had a lot of catching up on General Conference to do today. Not just because I missed yesterday, but also because I couldn't wake up this morning.

I'm still sore all over. Just all the sore pain. I'm never moving ever again. I wish that last sentence were true.

Anyway, so I'm in my room listening to General Conference on my computer. My little brother (who isn't so little since he's taller than me) is also in here, playing with beads and stuff trying to find something to do. (His hands-on creativity always amazes me. He can make anything.)

I'm painting my nails because I want some color on them and stuff. My brother asks me what he should do.

I tell him to make me a choker because the ribbon for my compass choker broke the other day.

And by broke I mean I tied the knot too tight around my neck so the only recourse to get it off my neck was to cut it off. There is nothing more reassuring than holding scissors to your neck to cut off a choker.

But that's not the point. So we made a choker.

And by made I mean I told him how to make it and helped him tie knots (because he's the Boy Scout and I can tie knots in jewelry making where he can't?)

I also had to keep telling him to keep the design simple, because I won't wear something gaudy and ridiculous. And I would like to wear something that he made. He kept wanting to make it ridiculously complicated, but no.

So we finally made it and it looks lovely.

Here it is:

And also my ridiculous face. Luff ya'll.

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