
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

And may the odds be ever in your favor

Today is the day finals officially start. As such, I have been very busy all day doing things for finals. For example, this morning I woke up and made a few edits to my final paper that was due for my Intro to Political Science class in a few hours.

Then I decided to look at my email and make sure that the paper fit the topic my professor gave us, since his changing it between the paper copy of the topic he gave us that morning and then the email he sent out that afternoon would only be proper and terrible and show how much I didn't really read the email he sent out.

The topic hadn't changed, but he'd changed a minor detail concerning it that he spoke about and then he wrote about, which was a fairly important minor detail, so I had to go back over my entire paper and fix it, muttering to myself the entire time because okay maybe the detail wasn't so minor and now the whole tone of my paper was different and look what he did no stahp.

So after getting rid of a few adjectives (seriously that's all I did) I sent it to him and got a confirmation email that he got it.

Then I went and did my morning internet browsing and had fun with that. Then I tried to focus and work on writing another paper.

I couldn't focus, so I went and watched some YouTube videos.

I still couldn't focus. I tried doing some things, and got some words written in a sort of basic not really outline.

Then I went and played the piano for an hour, because if I can't focus, I might as well be doing something actually productive rather than looking up more videos on youtube.

Then I did get some slightly productive stuff done while also doing internet things because internet.

Then I ate lunch.

Then I did some stuff that needed to be done but it wasn't finals related so I felt sort of bad but not.

Then I gave up on outlining that first paper and decided to start working on the other one I have to write. I told myself I could watch an episode of Arrested Development if I got an outline done.

While actually writing my outline, my mother came in and decided to distract me with strawberries and cheesecake. Not that I minded, but I did have an outline to write.

After a while she finally left. I went to work and finished my outline. Then I watched an episode of Arrested Development.

Now I'm writing a blog post. In an hour I will be taking my first finals test, which, you will have noticed, I have not studied for at all during the course of working on finals stuff during my day.

But it's okay. It'll be multiple choice.

Good luck to all you kids and your finals out there today. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Luff ya.

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