
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Little Big Things

I have a lot to tell you guys. Soooo much.

Let me start at a reasonable beginning, since I'm sure this isn't going to happen in chronological order.

1) I changed my major. It was English, but I have since switched it to Political Science.
Because I love politics. I might eat and sleep writing and reading, but I breathe politics.

2) My uncle and aunt and dear sweet baby cousin came to visit us last week. It was wonderful and I'm so glad they came. I don't get to see them nearly so often enough.

That definitely deserved all caps. And four exclamation points. After almost four months, 72 chapters and an epilogue, 243 pages, and almost 100,000 words, we finished. It is done. It is done it is done it is done and maybe if I say it enough I'll start believing it. We went to celebrate this last Friday. Ice cream. We also decided it shall be several months before we start working on the sequel. Because we definitely have emotional trauma we need to get over before we start being mean to those poor characters all over again.

4) President Obama got re-elected. Actually, the same night me and Amber finished writing the draft. Twas a night of far too much excitement for me.

5) I got a letter from my cousin who is on a mission. It was very nice to hear from him.

6) I started NaNoWriMo. That's National Novel Writing Month to all you who have no idea what I'm talking about. And good for you, because it's insane. Don't do it if you value your life and sleep. Also, make sure your story is long enough to work. I'm pretty sure mine isn't, but each story must be told no matter what the length.

7) Our piano got tuned and fixed. It's heavenly, being able to play middle C again.

8) Seven is such an odd number. So here you are. I hope I'll get back to posting more regularly soon. I also hope I'll start sleeping more regularly soon, but there you are.

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