
Monday, July 30, 2012

Yet Another Harp Update... with designs!

This has actually been a while in coming, however I've been very slow to update you guys on it.

I got most of my materials so far, just waiting on one last thing before we can really get started.

I also drew out what I want it to look like.

This is the soundboard.

yes, i know one side is bigger than the other, when it's supposed to be symettrical. I can't slice things in half freehand. I didn't have a template for that. 

This is the stringy thingy that I can't remember the name for.... I know it has a name, I just can't remember what. 

also, somehow, these pictures managed to turn themselves while getting sent here. it doesn't make sense. 

But those are my designs for my harp. We'll see how well they translate to wood, but we'll try our best. 

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